Right now I’m loving gold and white in design, fashion, and photos. This top left logo is lovely – it’s actually for a watch company, and I really like how they incorporated the nature of the business in the logo in such a very simple and beautiful way.
The last week or so has been pretty crazy! I went with my family on a very spur-of-the-moment camping trip, and had two or three days to get work-related things in order. We had a great time and I’ll share some photos from that later. But it does mean that this week will also be pretty crazy for me! I’ll be flying up to MN late this week for a friend’s wedding, and my to-do list is crammed full for the next couple days. It’s good though, and I’m so excited to go back up to see my friends!
{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4}