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Monday Inspiration

Posted on: June 16th, 2014 by Hannah Beasley 2 Comments

That top right image? Love. Simplicity is my favorite in pretty much everything, and this photo is no exception. So lovely.

I haven’t been able to keep up completely with my goal of creating a hand lettered image every day of the work week, but I have been able to do at least one graphic a week – and I really think all the practice is paying off. It’s fun to try out new lettering styles and create different pieces. I can see myself learning more and growing because of it, and it’s awesome! (If you want to keep up with my #adrawingaday series, you can follow me on Instagram – @hannahrosebeasley – where I post my designs, some of which are pictured below.)

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4}


2 Responses

  1. Avatar Hannah Lewis says:

    Hi Hannah, I’m so glad I’ve come across your blog and work. I believe you designed Ashley Brookes (brookeseditioral) that I’ve been reading today.
    I really love hand written text and I like seeing your inspiration next to your actual work here, thats interesting to see as a creative person. I like the watercolour/ink styled text – both top and bottom. You should make the work that you like, right? It’s nice to see that what you’re doing is, naturally, helping you improve and grow.

    Hannah, xx

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