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Archive for January, 2013

Jo Bekah Photography // Visual Identity + Blog Design

Posted on: January 30th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 7 Comments

Jordan was actually one of the very first bloggers I discovered when I joined the blogging community a few years ago – and it was so neat to learn that she is a pastor’s daughter just like I am, and I loved to (and still do!) see her beautiful photography. So I was pretty excited when she said she was looking to re-do her logo and she asked me to do it! I 100% love her style – in fact, it’s very similar to my own – and putting together her mood board and discussing ideas was the best. I…

Monday Inspiration

Posted on: January 28th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 4 Comments

There be none of Beauty’s daughters With a magic like thee; And like music on the waters Is thy sweet voice to me: When, as if its sound were causing The charmed ocean’s pausing, The waves lie still and gleaming, And the lull’d winds seem dreaming: And the midnight moon is weaving Her bright chain o’er the deep; Whose breast is gently heaving, As an infant’s asleep: So the spirit bows before thee, To listen and adore thee; With a full but soft emotion, Like the swell of Summer’s ocean. -Lord Byron, Stanzas for Music {all images via pinterest. clockwise,…

Dramatic Elegance Blog Design + Hand lettering

Posted on: January 23rd, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 13 Comments

Remember that mood board I posted a while ago that I said I loved for its unique style? Well, this is the finished design! And let me tell you, it was fun to work on. The idea for the design just popped into my head not long after we started talking about all of this, and it was one of those projects where I just knew what I should do. It normally doesn’t happen like that – normally I will work out my many different ideas on paper and think a lot about my options before deciding. But this time…

Nature >>> A Wallpaper For You

Posted on: January 22nd, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 1 Comment

“The human spirit needs places where nature has bot been rearranged by the hand of man.” That is definitely one of my favorite quotes ever. Because you know what? It is so true. I suppose it all goes together with my post yesterday – there’s something in all of us that needs to get away from our modern society every once in a while and find someplace quiet and undisturbed. I made this wallpaper to try and bring winter and nature into my workspace – the Minnesotan in me is dreaming about 3-foot deep snowbanks, and I haven’t given up…

Monday Inspiration

Posted on: January 21st, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 4 Comments

“The mountains are calling, and I must go.” Does it ever feel like nature is calling out to you? Like you have to go out and see the sky and trees and fields, and escape from the endless houses and roads and people? Sometimes when I’m standing outside I can look up and forget the busy life we lead and just see the beauty of nature. The sky is the one place where there is peace – its clouds slip peacefully on as though there is nothing of importance going on here, as if all is quite and at rest….