This week I’ve been loving the work of some of my favorite photographers and designers. I love how the internet is a place where you can discover amazing artists and learn from them, even by just studying their creations! I thought I would share some of my favorites with you all.
Andria Lindquist. She is the person I look up to the most as a photographer of people, of lives, of stories. What can I say? She’s a master of the art of displaying people’s hearts in the most beautiful of ways, and I always leave her blog in awe of her skill.
I’m Kristen. (the photo in the top right of this collection is hers. Can I just say wow?) I’ve been reading Kristen’s blog for a couple years, and have always loved her gorgeous photography. And her amazing way of telling a couple’s story in a beautiful and touching way.
Breanna Rose. Every time I check out her design work, I’m challenged in myself to do better – because Breanna does some pretty amazing and out-of-the-box design. She is a huge inspiration to me, and her blog is one of my favorites to read. Check it out – you won’t be sorry you did! She has so many awesome articles on so many different things – from photography to design to blogger tips to posts on freelancing.
Promise Tangeman. Her energy and creativity always blow me away! She is super talented and is an awesome designer – I love to look through her work and see all the different websites she’s created. (Even though she uses Showit…I’ll admit it, I like the old school way the best. Hand-coded html and css for me!) She’s another huge inspiration to me, and her blog + website are places that also make me want to push myself harder to be unique and think outside of the box.
Who are the artists or people you look up to the most, online or in real life?
{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8}