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Sometimes you just need to run in a big field

Posted on: November 10th, 2011 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

Maria's Clothes 147-edit

(Don’t ask me what’s with Micaiah’s facial expression)

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Maria's Clothes 075-edit-hannah

Maria is starting an Etsy business, and will be selling some of the clothes and crafts she’s made – and, of course, she designated me as the fashion photographer for the day. There’s a gorgeous field out behind our house that we love to use for photoshoots – in fact, that’s where we did my senior shoot and Micaiah’s latest photos, too. We actually don’t own the field. I guess, technically, we shouldn’t go back there, considering the fact that we don’t own it, buuuut, sometimes it’s just too much to resist. ;) So the cornfield was our stage yesterday.



Maria's Clothes 043-editMaria's Clothes 091-edit

See what I mean by not being able to resist? It was so beautiful out there.

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Maria's Clothes 161-edit

Maria's Clothes 220-edithannahMaria's Clothes 216-edit

Maria's Clothes 181Maria's Clothes 171

NaNoWriMo is going very well – I’m at 18,470 words so far! It hasn’t been completely easy every day, but cappuccinos, sitting outside, my favorite pen, and blaring music have helped a great deal. ;) My book has behaved pretty well, though it was giving me some trouble during the first week. (Personification? Oh yes. Read this post.) I’ll post some excerpts soon – I really would like opinions on some of it, if you all would like to do that! =D

How’s NaNo going for you? Is your novel behaving?

Characters (because I need to sort them out)

Posted on: November 1st, 2011 by Hannah Beasley 1 Comment

NaNoWriMo began today! Before I get too far in my novel, I wanted to list out my major characters for my own sake, and also for you to read about! (I hope it interests you all. ;) I promise my next post will have nothing to do with writing – I’ll shake it up a bit.)

Quick summary: The countries of the North have been in darkness for centuries. The people turned from their God and their prophets long ago, and they live in constant fear of their enemies, the bands from the South that are slowly taking over the land. Hadar, king of Ramatha, and the other rulers of the surrounding countries unite in one final effort to defeat the enemy. But when the soldiers of the North are utterly destroyed and Ramath-Gilead, the royal city, is ransacked, to where will the nations turn?

main-girlAviyah is my main character. She is twenty-three years old, and has already experienced the loss of her mother, queen of Ramatha, her brother, and the one man she loved, Iyov, who was banished to distant lands for listening to the words of the prophet Nadir. She has watched as Ramatha, along with all the other nations of the North, has crumbled and fallen to the dark despair that pervades the land. Her heart has grown cold – she cannot love another person, for every person she has loved has fallen.

I have seen the death of my brother and my mother. I have seen my father king grow still and cold as those around him have died and vanished. I have seen the City of Light crumble until she can crumble no more. My heart can lose no more hope – for there is none left to lose.
The white stone walls of the once-grand palace are dead. There is no more life left in the icy walkways or grand rooms. Bright colors and intricate tapestries have given way to dark clothing and colorlessness. The servants go about hushed. There is no sound to be heard in the palace, save the lonely wind as it whispers through the pale chambers and empty rooms. For the city of Ramath-Gilead and the nations of the North have fallen into despair. There can be no hope. Death is coming with a sure sword, and shall not mistake its stroke. This land is ready to fall.

Hadar is king of Ramatha (Sam Worthington isn’t quite old enough – just imagine an older version of him as the king. ;) ) Like his daughter Aviyah, he has grown silent and cold to the world. His heart has been broken and cannot be mended. He still cares for his people, yet there is no joy in his reign. He, like his daughter, is living life out of necessity.

All that was left of the glory of the ancient kings has fallen. The land is dead, shattered and broken by time and enemies. What was left of my reign of the City of Light faded to whispers of the past when my wife, the Queen, died. There is naught to live for, and we remain a broken and scattered nation. Let our enemies come, let us be utterly destroyed. We have no hope.

Iyov is the man that Aviyah loves – the man that was sent away to the mountainous and secluded land of Kenanyah for listening to the prophet Nadir. He was formerly one of the King’s own guards, of noble blood himself, but can now never return to Ramath-Gilead. He has now lived in the mountains for seven years, and has not been heard from since then.

I am a soldier. I would die to defend the honor of the City of Light. I would die to protect her people. Yet it is the King of Ramath-Gilead that has now banished me from my home and those I love. For I have heard the prophet Nadir, as many have, but I wished to hear more of his words. For that I have been forsaken of men and sent out from my high place as a Captain of Ramath-Gilead to the barren mountains of Kenanyah, where I have toiled as a common soldier, ever bearing the mark of one who listened to the prophet. Yet it is for the people of the North that I pray – for our land shall fall, just as the prophet has spoken.

Those are my main three – the ones I’ve worked the most with. I’m only using Hebrew names in my book, which is really cool, since I’m picking them based on their meaning. So Aviyah means “Yahweh is my father,” Hadar means “honor,” and Iyov means “hated, oppressed.” It goes for the lands, too.

Kenanyah – whom Jehovah defends (Kenanyah is a refuge, since it’s surrounded by a vast mountain range)
Maakah – oppression (Maakah is the land of the enemy)
Mount Azar’el – whom God helps
Fort Benanyah – God has built
Fort Even-Ezer – foundation stone
Mount Gil-ad – hard region

I’m writing this in the third person omniscient – because I believe that the writing style of Dickens, Tolkien, Bronte, and so many more classic writers is so much better than the present, abstract style. What seems to be popular now is either first person, or third person while inside the main character’s head, so you know their thoughts. I’ve struggled with the latter so much, because it just sounds so informal, so I decided to write more in the style of the classic writers for this book.

So. Day one – done!! =D I wrote 2,280 words, which is such a relief. I really didn’t think I’d be able to do so much the first day.

Beautiful People {My NaNoWriMo Novel}

Posted on: October 25th, 2011 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

I’m linking up to Sky’s Beautiful People meme! (Learn more about it here)

Sum up your novel in five words or less.

Rejection, despair, repentance, hope, victory.

Novel title?

A Day of Darkness and Not of Light (Long, I know – but I just can’t figure out how to shorten it. =P I figured that “and Not of Light” could act as almost a subtitle.)

Sum up your main character(s) in one word each.

Aviyah – hopeless (as in, she has no hope. =D); Iyov – resolved; Hadar – resigned; Livnath – determined

Advice for newbies in three words?

Solidify your characters!!

Tell us about your secondary characters, how do they affect the story?

Well, I’m not exactly sure how they will – but they do flee to the King in the time of trouble, forcing him to have to think about them instead of what he has lost.

Do you plan to stay up till midnight on the 31st?

Good question. I can’t figure out if I’ll stay up late and then write, or get up at the crack of dawn and then start. Need to think about that one…

How many years have you done NaNo?

This is my second year! (And hopefully will be my second win, too! =D)

What came first, characters, or plot idea?

Plot idea. (It’s an allegory) I actually came up with it when I was reading Lamentations in the Bible – it struck me that the story of Israel rejecting the Lord, falling to ruin, and turning back to Him is one of the most wonderful stories of desertion, punishment, repentance, and hope – so my book is an allegory, following (in general) the story of Israel.

How much prep do you do before November?

I didn’t do hardly any prep last year, since I decided to do NaNo about three days before it started! This year, however, I’m planning on being much more organized and actually have a solid outline before November 1st. ;) I’ve gotten a good ways into planning my book, but I still have a lot to do! =D

Now be honest, how do you really feel about NaNo?

Absolutely, totally EXCITED!!

Are you doing NaNo this year?

Hello and Welcome!

Posted on: October 23rd, 2011 by Hannah Beasley 6 Comments

Somehow you’ve stumbled across this new little spot in the vast blogosphere – and I’m glad you did! =D

I’ve had quite a few blogs for various things, and I finally decided to simplify everything and just have one personal blog. I’ll be blogging about the book I’m writing and other writing adventures, posting photos, documenting the construction of my historical costumes, and oh so much more.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

-Bilbo’s poem, from The Two Towers and
 The Return of the King

So. The preliminaries have been stated and disposed of. On to more interesting matters. (Or rather matters that interest me, at least. I hope they interest you!) NaNoWriMo is coming up on November first – and I’m participating again. I’ll be taking a short break from With a War Between Them, and be writing a book that WON’T require so much research. (I never knew how intense it is to write historical fiction!) I’ll do my best to continue to blog about writing through November. So more fun writing to come. ;)

Golden light is delicious. There’s something so magical about watching the sun slip below the horizon and light up the world as it does. I can’t seem to get enough of it – and I believe the same goes for almost every photographer! The world would be hopelessly un-magical without it. It’s that short time of glittering, sparkling light that transforms everything into something beautiful – as if someone dipped the world in shimmering gold.

What would life be without sunset?