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Beautiful People {My NaNoWriMo Novel}

Posted on: October 25th, 2011 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

I’m linking up to Sky’s Beautiful People meme! (Learn more about it here)

Sum up your novel in five words or less.

Rejection, despair, repentance, hope, victory.

Novel title?

A Day of Darkness and Not of Light (Long, I know – but I just can’t figure out how to shorten it. =P I figured that “and Not of Light” could act as almost a subtitle.)

Sum up your main character(s) in one word each.

Aviyah – hopeless (as in, she has no hope. =D); Iyov – resolved; Hadar – resigned; Livnath – determined

Advice for newbies in three words?

Solidify your characters!!

Tell us about your secondary characters, how do they affect the story?

Well, I’m not exactly sure how they will – but they do flee to the King in the time of trouble, forcing him to have to think about them instead of what he has lost.

Do you plan to stay up till midnight on the 31st?

Good question. I can’t figure out if I’ll stay up late and then write, or get up at the crack of dawn and then start. Need to think about that one…

How many years have you done NaNo?

This is my second year! (And hopefully will be my second win, too! =D)

What came first, characters, or plot idea?

Plot idea. (It’s an allegory) I actually came up with it when I was reading Lamentations in the Bible – it struck me that the story of Israel rejecting the Lord, falling to ruin, and turning back to Him is one of the most wonderful stories of desertion, punishment, repentance, and hope – so my book is an allegory, following (in general) the story of Israel.

How much prep do you do before November?

I didn’t do hardly any prep last year, since I decided to do NaNo about three days before it started! This year, however, I’m planning on being much more organized and actually have a solid outline before November 1st. ;) I’ve gotten a good ways into planning my book, but I still have a lot to do! =D

Now be honest, how do you really feel about NaNo?

Absolutely, totally EXCITED!!

Are you doing NaNo this year?


3 Responses

  1. Avatar Emily Grace says:

    Sounds interesting, Hannah. :)What is the setting of your book?

    I love reading about everyone’s different characters and how excited they are about NaNoWriMo–even though I don’t do it myself. I’m a reader not a writer. ;)

  2. Your novel sounds awesome!!!!

  3. Avatar Hannah says:

    Emily – well, the setting is kind of a cross between ancient Israel and the Middle Ages – but totally fantasy. =D Almost like Lord of the Rings.

    Me too!! I love the excitement about NaNo. =D

    Emily – thanks!! =D

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