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Coral and Glitter

Posted on: March 30th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 53 Comments

Don’t you love this color scheme? I do! Mint + coral + pink + a little gold glitter…mmm, yes. We’re going to be doing a lot of hand-drawing and hand lettering, with a very simple and elegant feel. We’ve just started the process and I spent some time yesterday just sketching out some rough – very rough – ideas and studying the letters of her business name. Something I’m learning is to just slow down and take it easy. Letters are marvelous things, and so much can be done with them! The possibilities are endless, and I don’t want to miss any. I’ve found it so helpful to just start working with ideas – even the ones that I know we won’t use. Exploring different paths is fun and I think it’s helping me grow as an artist.

I’m so looking forward to sharing more of this project!

Coral and Glitter >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignSketching Ideas >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignSketching Ideas >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignSketching Ideas >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design

Monday Inspiration

Posted on: March 26th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 2 Comments

Yes, it’s Tuesday, but sometimes, when you’re celebrating your sister’s birthday you just have to let things slip a bit. We’ve spent the last few days eating pizza and Chipotle and going to the theatre…which to me is the perfect way to celebrate anything! (which by the way, go see Oz if you haven’t already. My brother and sister and I died of laughter through the whole thing.)

As I’m working on that secret, awesome project that I mentioned before, I’m reminded of how much I love design and photographs that are deep and thoughtful. There is so much emotion that can be conveyed through those mediums, photography especially, and the art of doing that is something that is truly a gift – something that has to be learned, but once it is possessed, is an amazing and lasting thing.

{go check out Eve’s blog – she’s giving away a copy of Kinfolk magazine in honor of her two year blog anniversary!}

Monday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7}

And I’m sitting at my desk, wondering how the day slipped away so quickly, drinking more coffee than is probably good for me, looking forward to getting my ancient 2005 BlackBerry in the mail (don’t judge. It was $20. ;) ), and enjoying life as it is right now. I spent some time today putting my favorite/essential scores on my iPod for the trip to MN – which wasn’t an easy task, considering how many essential scores there are. Life is good.

Monday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design

I’m Going to Minnesota!

Posted on: March 22nd, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 6 Comments

Well, this is what I’ve been hoping and praying for…for the past few years! And it’s finally, finally happening. My very best friends are there, and I haven’t seen them in almost nine years. And while it may not sound like a very long amount of time, when you go from being ten to nineteen it really is. So I’m on top of the moon, as you might imagine! As my family and I will be gone for a substantial amount of time, I’ll be taking a break from work and wanted to let my readers know. I’ll be taking April 5th to April 24th off and will only be working on one or two projects that have close deadlines. I will be blogging – how often I’m not sure! – but I’ll post at least once a week.

In other news, I’m working on a very big, very important project that I am totally loving! I seriously can’t wait to share more info in the near future – I’m hoping to do so in a few weeks. Happy Friday, friends!

{The frost on the windshield this morning was so beautiful. It’s finally getting cold in NC…just in time for spring. Perfect timing, right?}

Going to MN >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignFrost >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design

Monday Inspiration

Posted on: March 18th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 4 Comments

I love this week’s pins…the photos, the graphic design. Just love. I will always be grateful to Pinterest (cheesy as it may sound) for allowing people to create a community where beautiful things can be shared and discovered. It really is wonderful.

Monday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design

{inspiration images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8}

I was sitting at my desk today as I worked on this collection of images, and I was loving the light from my window. Today is cold and overcast, just as I like it, and I wanted to share some of the everyday things I see when I work. Because hey, this is my life!

I always have too many coffee cups – normally I collect up to five before finally taking them downstairs. It’s my little collection. ;) I have two storm trooper action figures my dad bought me years ago – I’m a big Star Wars fan/geek. Poor guy on the right is missing a hand. Oh, and by the way, the first three movies that were made ARE Star Wars. Forget Disney! hehe. I have quite a few machine guns that go with the storm troopers – those are mixed in with my favorite fountain pens and Sharpies. (Nothing beats writing with real ink, people.) And of course I have books. I’ve been collecting them for so long and have so many that I’m running out of places to put them! So they end up on the floor by my bed, or in empty chairs, or piled in open spaces on my desk.

Monday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignMonday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignMonday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignMonday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignMonday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & DesignMonday Inspiration >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design

^^^ And yes, my desk is horrendously messy. Oh well…sometimes you can’t keep everything together. ;) ^^^

I’m a New Man in You | Wallpaper

Posted on: March 16th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 1 Comment

I try to find my worth
In things that didn’t work
My confidence was broken
I was hopeless

But God, You have made me new
You’ve restored my heart and
Turned these ashes into life
Oh God, You have pulled me through
And everything I was is gone
And washed away for good
I’m a new man in You
-All Things New

I'm a New Man in You Wallpaper >>> Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design

2880X1880 // 1680X1050 // 1440X900 // iPad // iPhone