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Inspiration to Brighten Your Day

Posted on: August 7th, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

Sometimes we need a little inspiration to get us going again – so here’s a small dose of what’s been inspiring me lately. I’m loving all the stunning typography + golden light + deep black & whites + watercolors that I’ve been seeing all over Pinterest. Photos with that black and white editing that adds such depth are my especial favorite – there’s something about the peacefulness of the look that I just love. What’s been inspiring you lately?

{all images via pinterest. check out my pinterest account for more yummy goodness! clockwise, starting top left: 1//2//3//4//5//6//7//8//9}

Awesome Resource: Thinking With Type

Posted on: August 3rd, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 4 Comments

Every moment is a moment of learning, each day we gain more knowledge. Learning never ends – it continues on, and is something we should chase after every day. I want to know more, to have my art to go deeper, to resonate more with others, to become more beautiful. I’m working more on gaining knowledge through reading and seeing, hearing and doing. One book that has helped in that venture is Thinking With Type by Ellen Lupton.

This book is amazing – from the eye-catching graphics to the wide range of fonts to the valuable information presented within the well-formatted pages. It begins with a wonderful summary of the history of type, analyzing how typography has changed and evolved throughout the years. Fonts from all throughout history are shown in the pages, visually showing those changes and providing each section with a beautiful array of typography. It then moves on to the anatomy of letters, and teaches the basics of analyzing characters. Typographic theory takes over the rest of the book, and valuable information about the development of fonts and how to use them is presented. I thoroughly enjoyed this text, will definitely keep it close as a great resource, and would recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about typography!

{You can purchase this book here}

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Oh, Restless Bird Launch

Posted on: July 31st, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

I’ve known Sarah Elizabeth for somewhere around a year and a half, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know her. She’s one of the sweetest ladies you’ll meet, and one of the most fun, too. So I was very honored when she asked me to design her blog; Oh, Restless Bird. Sarah has a really neat style and look that she was going for – she wanted something very open and free, something that would express the restlessness she feels for God. She told me that she loves watercolors and drawings, so we decided to head down that path of some hand-drawn art. It was definitely a lot of fun to work with her on it, and I’m really happy with how it turned out!
Go check out her blog and follow her!

You’re Perfect. Just The Way You Are.

Posted on: July 27th, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

Sometimes it feels like you can’t win for losing. That everything you do fails miserably, that your successes are never known, never praised. Sometimes it feels like nothing ever goes right, that you don’t get those things in life that seem so important. And then you look around you and see people who are always happy and successful. They are more popular than you, more talented, and have more opportunities to let those talents shine. They will always be there – people who have better cameras, newer computers, better jobs; people who are more popular, more successful, and more talented. And it’s good. Because that’s who they are, that’s what they’ve been given.

So when you feel like nothing’s going right, and you feel that tinge of jealousy deep in your soul, stop for a moment and remember that you are exactly who you need to be. That you were put here for a reason, and that no one else could live your life better than you. There is a plan for your life, and it’s exactly what you need. Don’t compare yourself to other people, because that will just lead to frustration. Instead, be thankful for the gifts God has given you, and use them! Don’t let your envy for what others have keep you from seeing and using those things you do have. Each one of us is unique – and we need to celebrate it.

So be yourself. Be unique. Because you’re perfect just the way you are.
{a pep talk I’m constantly giving myself.}


That touch of Elegance

Posted on: July 23rd, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

My job is the best. Seriously. I get to make wonderful friends and create things with them – talk about fun! I’m especially loving this current project & inspiration board. We’re going all out on her brand – from what her goals of her business are to the details of the fun stripes and chevrons that are sprinkled through her site. I can’t wait for the big reveal of her new brand + website + blog!


{image and “jenny haas” logo via pinterest}