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Monday Inspiration

Posted on: July 8th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 4 Comments

Pine trees, browns, rustic styles…I can’t ever get enough of it! That’s one thing I really miss about Minnesota – all the beautiful pine trees. Where I live in NC we have very few of them. It’s interesting, too, how different the colors of foliage are from state to state – in Minnesota they’re deeper, here they’re very bright. (when we were driving from MN to NC back in April we couldn’t get over how crazy the transition was from deep green/brown/gray to vivid green/light brown!)

Monday Inspiration: Hannah Rose Beasley

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6}

I’ve been thinking recently about how short life is. Sometimes it feels like I’m wasting time…in that it feels like my life hasn’t “started” yet. There are so many things I want to happen that just aren’t happening, and it gets frustrating. I don’t want life to fly by, I don’t want to miss times I could have had. On the one hand I know that though I’m young, I’m still getting older and that just won’t stop. And I don’t want to lose any time with the people I love. Yet I know that I am ultimately exactly where I need to be, and my time is not being wasted. Jesus has the perfect plan for my life, and I have to trust Him with it. Sometimes it’s just hard not to worry, though, you know?

Life is short: Hannah Rose BeasleyLife is short: Hannah Rose BeasleyLife is short: Hannah Rose Beasley

Colors of The Sea

Posted on: July 6th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 6 Comments

It’s really amazing how many colors there really are in the ocean – it’s not just blue. There’s ice blue, sea green, pale pink, and even a little orange when the light shines on it or the sand peeks through. I find it so amazing how everything in nature is so well designed and so beautiful. God is the ultimate artist. =)

So we’re using sea colors in this design, blues and slight shades of green and pinks, paired with bold sans serif type. She’s going for a clean, modern look – sidebar header, two column, etc. I’m loving it and am looking forward to sharing the finished design!

Colors of the Sea: Hannah Rose Beasley

Liberty: What The Fourth Is Really About

Posted on: July 4th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 2 Comments

I started the day thinking about the Fourth, thinking about what it means and why we celebrate it. And as I was thinking I realized that this day, the Fourth of July, our Independence Day, should not be a celebration of America as a nation. It should be a celebration of liberty and a celebration of those people who stood up in 1776 and told the King of England that we were free. This day is not about the United States in the year 2013, it is not a time to herald the actions of our government, or a holiday on which we should think with pride about the actions of those over us. Because the allegiance of all Americans should not be toward an all-powerful State or a group of despotic leaders – our allegiance should be toward liberty.

Allegiance to liberty is what made our United States the greatest nation in the world, it is what gave us the victory over England and its tyrannical king, and it is what empowered our founding fathers to do everything they could to enshrine our rights as humans and citizens in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Allegiance to Liberty is what sparked the fire in the souls of the Scotts and made them fight against their English oppressors, it is what made William Wallace so famed, and it is what eventually gave Scotland the victory.

I love my nation – what it was when it was founded and what it used to stand for. Yet I do not love my nation as it is today. I am ashamed of its actions, of its weakness and its pride. We think we are free – but we aren’t. With every year that has passed more of our freedoms have been taken away – the right to complete privacy, the right to do with our education as we will, the right to knowledge of all the actions of our government. Social Security, the requirement that all children be in school if they are under 18, the ease with which our foremost leaders use their power to cover their wicked actions, the mandate that all citizens have health insurance, and so many, many more standards have been and are stripping away from us the fundamental rights that we once had. We must not accept our present condition because it is what we know. We must not be passive and let others trample us. We must stand for our basic rights, our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We cannot look only to the rights we do have and be content. For once liberty is gone, we are lost as a nation.

I rarely, if ever, post about politics on my blog as politics are not the focus here. Yet they are a huge part of my life, and I wanted to write this post as this is what is on my mind, especially today. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, or of any other party, if you are an American then you must stand for liberty. Love of liberty is what makes us American and sets us apart and above all other nations as the greatest nation in the world. We cannot, we must not abandon that.

“Our attachment to no nation upon earth should supplant our attachment to liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

Liberty: Hannah Rose Beasley

Monday Inspiration

Posted on: July 1st, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 2 Comments

This week is going to be busy. I tell you, it never rains but it pours! It seems like I’ll have a quiet week, and then the next everything collides at the exact same moment. But it’s good and I’m enjoying my work. =) I guess life wouldn’t be as interesting if it were totally predictable, right?

Normally I love dark, neutral colors, but today I wanted to change it up and bring in some more vibrant colors. The ones here remind me of spring turning into summer, right when all the colors have come out and are in their glory. Even though I love the grays of winter the most, I still think this time of year is beautiful. =)

Monday Inspiration: Hannah Rose Beasley

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6}

Solid & Striking

Posted on: June 26th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 2 Comments

I’m really enjoying working on this project – the sweet lady I’m working with and I are creating a blog design that will be professional (but not too much!), simple, and striking. I love, love, love the slightly retro/writerly feel we’re going for – we’re using solid, sans-serif typefaces and a little grunge here and there to really get that look. And let me tell you, I’m a sucker for retro design paired with black, gray, and splashes of color. I’m looking forward to sharing the finished design!

Solid & Striking: Mood Board >> Hannah Rose Beasley