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Nevergall Family : Photoshoot

Posted on: November 14th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 8 Comments

This was the first family photoshoot I’ve ever done, and even though I was a little nervous to begin with, it went so well and I am very happy with the shots we got! I’ve only ever done my own family’s photos, so taking someone else’s was a new but good experience. The kids are so sweet and did so well…each of them have the cutest smiles and it was fun catching them throughout our time.

Previous to the shoot they were over at our house, and I ended up taking some lifestyle shots of the kids…there’s something about photographing people (but especially children) in their element and in a familiar environment that can’t be beat. That’s when the real personality comes out, and it makes such a huge difference!

Nevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose BeasleyNevergall Family : Photoshoot : Hannah Rose Beasley

Monday Inspiration

Posted on: November 12th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 4 Comments

"These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it Now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph."
– Thomas Paine

Monday Inspiration : Hannah Rose Beasley

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4}

NaNo Progress

Posted on: November 8th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 6 Comments

I actually wasn’t planning on doing NaNo this year. I figured after three years it would be okay for me to take a break – besides, I had so much work to get done that I didn’t think I could even fit it in. But at the last minute I decided to do it anyway, because that writing bug bit me, just like it does every October. So I started a week ago, but was still worried that I would end up dropping out due to my schedule. The crazy thing, though, is that I think my schedule – which is more packed than any previous November – is actually helping me write more. I know, that doesn’t make any sense at all! For a week I’ve been ahead and have been doing better in my word count and quality than I ever have. And I think the reason for that is that being able to set aside my writing and work all day, and then get back to it at the end of the day is giving my mind the breaks it needs. I always have to set aside design at some point in order to not get burnt out, and in the same way I think I have to set writing aside.

The other thing that’s been helping me, to my surprise, is typing everything out on my laptop, instead of writing everything out by hand like I was doing. I prefer writing by hand, but I’ve noticed that when I do that I end up making dialogue and descriptions too short. When you write it out it takes a relatively long time, so after all that time I would think I had enough…but in reading it over again I would realize that it was barely half as long as it needed to be. So typing everything out – going at a faster pace and seeing it all in 12pt Times New Roman – is helping me make sure I really develop and round out everything I write.

Here’s a short excerpt from what I wrote yesterday…thoughts and comments are welcome! =)
How’s NaNo going for you? What’s helping you make your word count each day?

The wedding-morn dawned bright and fair, and the winds were warm and the air sweet. It seemed as though the City had remembered some of her old glory, and had put it on just for that day, in honor of the couple. The birds sang and the wind whispered sayings of old, and there was great joy in the shining cobblestone streets and among the newly-whitewashed houses.

So the time came, when all was in readiness, and there began the procession of the bride and those of her household and the maids which she had chosen to stand by her, from the very gate of the City through its streets and to the palace. Eagerly did the people which gathered on either side strain to catch a glimpse of the white-clad Lady and those of her company; in honor of her did they hush as she drew near and passed them by, and the hush was like the quiet awe that might come upon one who has seen what he has deemed to be the loveliest thing upon the Earth. Her face was wreathed in smiles, and I daresay it was that which lent to her most of her beauty, although the rich gown and flowers in her loose hair had their own effect upon her person. Happiness is that one ornament which money cannot buy, and which, when it is possessed, gives to its bearer such grace and beauty as cannot be made or got in any other way. It gave to Chavvah the glow upon her face, the redness in her lip, and the brightness in her eye; and as is so common when one has very much of a good thing, it could not help but overflow onto the people as she nodded to them and smiled upon them.

NaNo Update : Hannah Rose Beasley

Handmade : Client Mood Board

Posted on: November 6th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 2 Comments

I created this mood board for a special project – my sister Maria is starting her own online business, and we’re in the middle of creating everything she’ll need. A website, blog, social media graphics, possibly business cards…the whole shoot ‘n match. There is something completely different about working with someone who’s closely related to you. There’s no, “oh, I’ll work on this for the next three days and then send you the mockup, and you can get back to me and give me your thoughts.” Nope, when it’s your sister she’s constantly over your shoulder, telling you exactly what she wants (or what she thinks she wants until you help her understand that she needs something completely different). But it’s been fun to get immediate reactions from her, instead of having to wait for the next email. We’ve deviated a little from the mood board and what we first planned on doing, but I really think we’re on the right path with those changes. We’re both so happy with what we’ve created so far, and I’m looking forward to sharing the final product and say more about her business!

In other news, I’m actually keeping up with NaNo – which is totally surprising to me! Normally by now I’ve fallen a little behind, but I’ve actually been ahead every. single. day. I don’t even know how that’s happened, but I’m so glad I’m still making progress. I have to keep telling myself to just dive into one scene at a time and not get overwhelmed when I think of everything that I have left to write. So far it’s working!

Handmade : Client Mood Board : Hannah Rose Beasley

Monday Inspiration

Posted on: November 4th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 7 Comments

So I’m still getting used to this wider posting area…I’d been wanting to widen it up/simplify my design for a while so that my content would be more of the focus, but I knew that doing that would mean adjusting everything, including Monday Inspiration posts. I just decided to go ahead and do it, though, because I think it’ll be worth it. I feel like graphics and photos are more striking when they’re presented in a wider format. So I’m thinking I’ll probably keep doing Monday Inspiration posts the same way I always have.

What do you think? How do you like this bigger layout + design?

Monday Inspiration : Hannah Rose Beasley

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4}