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Monday Inspiration

Posted on: November 4th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 7 Comments

So I’m still getting used to this wider posting area…I’d been wanting to widen it up/simplify my design for a while so that my content would be more of the focus, but I knew that doing that would mean adjusting everything, including Monday Inspiration posts. I just decided to go ahead and do it, though, because I think it’ll be worth it. I feel like graphics and photos are more striking when they’re presented in a wider format. So I’m thinking I’ll probably keep doing Monday Inspiration posts the same way I always have.

What do you think? How do you like this bigger layout + design?

Monday Inspiration : Hannah Rose Beasley

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4}


7 Responses

  1. do you take these pictures?:)

  2. Avatar Natalia Rosa says:

    I love it, Hannah! It’s beautiful. I’m redesigning mine but won’t launch it for a bit, but I’m making my post area a tad bigger as well. I love large graphics and images. So pretty! I do miss your logo tho, but either way it still coincides with your website beautifully

  3. Avatar marcia says:

    oh, i think it’s lovely. and these photos give such a cozy vibe.

  4. Avatar qartli says:

    thank you, i will subscribe if possible.

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