Nope, I don’t have a studio. Or an office. Or even my own tiny room that I can dedicate to work. I literally work out of home…specifically out of the room I share with my sister. And hey! It works! Sure, it gets a little cramped and I don’t always like half my view being of my dresser and the bunk bed. It’s not always fun to have paper and pens and notebooks creeping their way around the room until it feels like I can’t escape my job. But at the same time it’s nice to have that wonderful and precious espresso machine right downstairs in the kitchen, to be able to run down for lunch whenever, and to go hang out with the fam and my little babies (Rusty and Carley. Our dogs if you couldn’t guess. ;) ) when I need a break.
ANYWAY, when I really started my business on a serious level (around 2011/2012) I decided I needed to carve out space in my room to work, and I did my best to constrain that area to only work. I bought an L-shaped desk from Walmart (yay for affordable-ness), and that paired with my bookshelf (which is always overflowing) helped to get the space organized. Last week I decided it was high time to make it more “me,” to make it more of an area that I actually want to go work in! So I put together an evergreen/photo wall decoration, and I love how it turned out. I ended up taking long sprigs from an evergreen and tying them together with wire, and then I printed the photos myself and hung them with string, thumbtacks, and the ever-important tape. ;)
I’ve been trying to do a better job of being 100% done with work at the end of the day. I believe it’s very important to have a clean break at some point – to be able to set aside your job and relax. And I think by doing some organizing and strategizing, you can make that easier to accomplish. It’s been helpful for me to have my little corner office instead of spreading my work all over the place – I think it helps me set aside my job each day.
So that’s where I work! Do you work out of your home as well? Do you like creating a space that is “you?”

(also, can I just say how much I love my phone case??? It makes me happy. =) )