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Monday Inspiration

Posted on: July 15th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley No Comments

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” I fully believe in the truth of that quote. Talent isn’t something that will grow and mature no matter what – it’s something that has to be developed through hard work. It doesn’t guarantee success at all. Sometimes I wonder if half of any talent is the ability and will to work hard…because they are both so intertwined! This is a lesson I’ve been learning recently. Going the extra mile in work may not be fun in the moment, but it is always so very worth it! And as I push myself harder to connect better with clients, respond to emails more promptly, try different things in design, and do my best to be better in what I do, I can see the work paying off. I can see myself growing as an artist, and the excitement of that fuels me to keep on going.

So I guess that’s what I’m saying – trying harder and working diligently will never disappoint. And when you do love something – whether it’s graphic design, photography, web development, or anything else – if you work hard and strive to learn all you can, you will succeed. Even if you don’t think you have “talent.” That’s a comforting thought, isn’t it?

Monday Inspiration: Hannah Rose Beasley

{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5}


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