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Hannah Rose Beasley: Re-Brand

Posted on: June 15th, 2013 by Hannah Beasley 10 Comments

I launched my first “real” website and logo a year ago this month. I was so excited to finally break away from the old set up I had to do something that felt right. I’ve spent the past year learning as much as I can about being a better designer, a better communicator, and a better blogger. And the time is right to take my business as it is right now, what it’s become in the past months, and completely re-brand.

Last time I launched as a designer who knew what she wanted to do but who needed more experience. Today I’m launching as someone who has gotten just a little more experience (okay, maybe more than a little. ;) ) and who knows exactly who she has become in her business and online. This time I feel ready and confidant in putting myself out there. It’s taken three years to get me to the place where I’m starting to truly feel like this is “right.” I’m still learning like crazy, but to finally know that this next step is what I need to take is huge!

So check out the new site + video (my brother Micaiah shot and edited the video – I think he did an amazing job!), facebook page, twitter, and this blog! I’m excited to have finally finished this project and to be able to share it with you, friends!

(sometime in the next week I’ll be sharing a little bit about how I went about re-branding and designing my website, in the hopes that it might inspire some of you!)

Hannah Rose Beasley: Re-Brand


10 Responses

  1. Avatar Natalia G says:

    Love love it! I saw it even before this post. It’s so so pretty and streamlined. I can’t wait to hear about your branding process. Sometimes I feel like developing your own brand is such a daunting task. I think you did an astounding job! xx

    ELAN the blog

    • Thanks Natalia!! I’m so glad you like it! Yeah, developing your own brand can definitely be daunting…and I know that for me, whenever I sit down to design something for myself, I tend to hit a wall. =P haha kind of ironic! ;)

  2. oh goodness, hannah. the new look is so YOU. bold and beautiful. and i love the video on your site.

  3. Looks AMAZING gurl!! Can’t wait to see the behind the scenes peak ;) Enjoy your new digs! xoxo

  4. Avatar Emily Ruth says:

    I love the new look! The video is fantastic. I can’t wait to read about how you re-branded.

  5. Avatar Jennoelle says:

    lovely lovely lovely. you are so talented!

  6. Wow. You’re so talented! I wish I could do half the things. ;)


    P.S. Followed you on GFC! I hope we can be blog buddies. :)

  7. Thank you, ladies!! I’m so glad you like the site – your feedback means a lot to me. ;)

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