It’s been a long and busy day. I’m ready for it to end now, but I still have a couple of hours of work left. Even though it can get hard to deal with, though, I still love being busy with work. And all those hours are always worth it at the end.
My days have pretty much looked like this: 6-8 hours of design/client work, 2-4 hours of writing after dinner, and maybe some time to watch youtube videos or a movie. It’s working out and I’m still going strong with NaNo, which I am so glad for! I just hope that motivation will stay high until the last day of November.
Part of what has kept me so busy for the past few weeks is my sister Maria’s new business – we just finished creating and launching her website! You can check it out here. I’m going to be blogging about later on, and sharing more of her brand and the process of putting it all together.
{all images via pinterest. clockwise, from top left: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4}
The website you made for your sister is SO BEAUTIFUL! Can’t wait to read about how you put it together!
Thank you Emily!! =)
Excellent job with your sister’s site! It’s so sleek and elegant.
Thanks Jemimah! I’m glad you like it. ;)
Woah! I adore her new site. It’s gorgeous. Can’t wait to read about the process. Also quick question– are your graduated from Highschool yet?
Thanks Natalia! That means a lot! =) yep, I graduated in 2011.
Lovely inspiration picks here! And the site you designed for your sister is beautiful – looking forward to reading about the process :)
キャスト 佐藤健緋村剣心 武井咲神谷薫 吉川晃司鵜堂刃衛 蒼井優高荷恵 青木崇高相楽左之助 綾野剛外印 須藤元気戌刻番神 田中偉登明神弥彦 奥田瑛二山県有朋 江口洋介斉藤一 香川照之武田観柳
歌手 ストックイラスト
ipad ios7 アップデートの関連アイテム 訳ありアウトレットでこっそり公開メンズファッション 秋物キモメンと呼ばれるのは今日限りです
Chloe クロエ3S0024 04306V BLACK FUSAINPARATY パラティハンドバッグ
今回は「Flammeum(フラミューム)」と「JENEVIEVE(ジュヌヴィエーヴ) 」の2ブランドの新作から参考アイテムをピックアップ!
は、重ね着を想定してのことです。また戦闘服()のトラウザーの丈が長めなのは、戦闘靴に裾を巻き込み折り返すための遊びを確保するために数センチ長めに作られているからです。実際の想定丈はそこから4ほど短く、折り返しの必要の無いトラウザーはその長さに造られていますまた、実際にアメリカ軍サイズで自分がどれに適合するかを知りたければ、 27/やカバーオール等の繋ぎ服を着てみることです。これらは狭い操縦席などで行動しやすいように遊びがあまりありませんので、設定体型に比較的忠実に作られています。しかし、日本でファッションで言われるジャストサイズと呼ばれるボディーコンシャスのような極端なタイトフィットではありません。ファッションとして楽しむ事はそれはそれで、しかし実際はこの様な設定になっているということを説明した次第です参考までに、丈表記の無い場合がありますが、この場合胸囲に対して想定される平均的な身長等にあわせて胸囲サイズと共に丈が短くなっている場合もあります。また、近代のフライトジャケットの法では、は胸囲36で91、は胸囲40で101、は胸囲44で111、は胸囲48で121となっていて、適合範囲は 2inから+1inぐらいになっています若干サイズが合わない場合は、ごまかしかたというか端末の処理法があります。また、人によってはオーダーメイドする場合もあるそうですそれでは、楽しい軍隊生活を・・・では無く・・・・ミリタリーライフを彡’〈 .ミ彡あもブログ クエスト 締切が一目でわかる
ヤマハ発動機は、雑誌『Popteen』監修の女子高生向け電動アシスト自転車「PAS Ami(アミ) シュガーピンク仕様」の先行発売を4月15日より開始、限定500台で6月1日より発売する。希望小売価格は113,000円女子高生を中心に高い人気を誇るファッション誌『Popteen』が、本体カラーを監修した電動アシスト自転車。同社の電動アシスト自転車「PAS Ami(アミ)」の本体機能はそのままに、カラーリングだけを変更した限定モデルとなる本体カラーはシュガーピンクで、バッテリーボックスは白、チェーンケースも本体と同色に塗装するなどトータルでカラーコーディネートしており、「女子高生のライフシーンに溶け込む、ファッション製の高い仕上がり」だというまた、本体のイメージモデルとして、10代女性に人気があるファッションモデル「くみっきー」こと、舟山久美子さんを起用。本体購入者には、くみっきーによるPAS Amiのある生活シーンを満載した「くみっきー Amiポストカード」と「PAS Amiミラー」がもれなくプレゼントされる本体機能では、「PAS Ami(アミ)」と同等の機能を搭載。快適なアシスト走行を可能にするため、ペダルを踏み込む力を感知する「トルクセンサー」と、車速を感知する「スピードセンサー」、ペダリングの速度を感知する「クランク回転センサー」の3つのセンサーを搭載。メインスイッチには、バッテリー残量と車速、残り何kmアシスト走行が可能かを表示する「3ファンクションメーター」を採用する。バッテリー容量は8.7Ahで、充電時間は約4.5時間。『ギャルコレ』Mobageにて配信開始
Fashion can certainly be used to parody, subvert and deconstruct gender identities (particularly the feminine), however, in the mainstream, it can only ever reflect the social conscious behind it. If society is not ready for men to wear skirts, then skirts will not be bought by the majority of men. Whilst designers like Jean Paul Gaultier can attempt to deconstruct gender stereotypes through fashion, many of these subversions can still be read as supporting the distinction between gender identities. Fashion and dress is influenced by both the body itself and the range of signs that it refers to, making it difficult to determine where fashion ends and social consciousness begins.
Gaultier’s design can be read as an attempt at subverting the objectification of women through fashion. By taking on a traditional signifier of women’s restriction, that is, the corset, and placing large cone shaped breasts on it, it can be said that Gaultier has created an image of female empowerment (French, 2004). By making the corset visible he highlights the way in which women have been forced to conform to accepted standards of beauty, and the way in which these standards are constructed. The cones add to this reading by removing the maternal aspects of the breast and indicating the way in which they have been objectified and the unnatural form that has become the beauty standard in western culture (French, 2004). However this design could also be seen not as a parody and symbol of empowerment, but as a reinforcement of patriarchal ideals.
Fashion and Gender
Hannah Rose Beasley | Blog » Monday Inspiration
Judith Butler has been an influential figure in the study of whether gender is a construction or inherent. According to Butler in her book Gender Trouble, a gender identity is a series of gender signifiers, for example, gestures, which are learnt via mimesis and reinforced through repetition (Butler, 1990, p6). Through this reinforcement the performance of gender also becomes internalised so that we come to believe these masculine and feminine identities are ‘normal’. As such, gender is a social construction imposed on individuals based on their anatomy (sexual identity) (Butler, 1990, p6 If gender identity is learnt, then it is not inherent, and therefore does not necessarily coincide with ones sexual identity. By encoding specific garments and styles as either feminine or masculine, it becomes much clearer what gender someone is because their appearance (and as such part of their gender identity) is expected to coincide with their sexual identity. In this way, what is considered masculine and feminine in regards to dress is also a social construction. As fashion is primarily considered a feminine concern (, it is through examples of the female gender identity that fashions influence can best be seen.
The ‘gaze’ plays a significant role in the maintenance of the male/female binary and as such the separation of gender identities. The ‘gaze’ (that is, the act of looking at and objectifying the opposite sex) is considered predominantly masculine, with many images of women in the media being constructed for the male audience (Barnard, 1996, p140). However when a man is the subject of the gaze the binary is not destroyed, as merely reversing the act of ‘looking’ and being ‘looked at’ does not alter the active/passive, male/female binary. These must be transcended in order to begin breaking down the distinction between gender identities (Barnard, 1996, p140). As such fashion, by encouraging the male gaze and helping to define masculine from feminine is supporting the male/female binary. Cross dressing is one way of making it especially clear that this male/female binary exists.
Fashion can certainly be used to parody, subvert and deconstruct gender identities (particularly the feminine), however, in the mainstream, it can only ever reflect the social conscious behind it. If society is not ready for men to wear skirts, then skirts will not be bought by the majority of men. Whilst designers like Jean Paul Gaultier can attempt to deconstruct gender stereotypes through fashion, many of these subversions can still be read as supporting the distinction between gender identities. Fashion and dress is influenced by both the body itself and the range of signs that it refers to, making it difficult to determine where fashion ends and social consciousness begins.