It’s really amazing how many colors there really are in the ocean – it’s not just blue. There’s ice blue, sea green, pale pink, and even a little orange when the light shines on it or the sand peeks through. I find it so amazing how everything in nature is so well designed and so beautiful. God is the ultimate artist. =)
So we’re using sea colors in this design, blues and slight shades of green and pinks, paired with bold sans serif type. She’s going for a clean, modern look – sidebar header, two column, etc. I’m loving it and am looking forward to sharing the finished design!
gah… lovin’ these colors!
Love this inspiration board! I’ve been looking at slightly similar colours for my website design (though I’m leaning more towards blue & turquoise) but am currently trying to focus on picking out a template for it. I’ve got my eye on this WordPress one but it’s not EXACTLY my style… Ugh, starting to feel a little desperate. But I’m sure I’ll come across something sooner or later. :)
Oooh, fun! Yeah, I love these colors…especially the pink with the orange. =) So pretty!
You’re working on a website?! Awesome! I can’t wait to see what you do! ;) And I know you’ll find the right template.
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Hannah Rose Beasley | Blog » Colors of The Sea
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