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Archive for August, 2012

Petals and Freckles // Blog Design

Posted on: August 18th, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 4 Comments

I have another finished project to share! Alexandria from Petals and Freckles is a super sweet soon-to-be-mom, blogger, and tea drinker – and she wanted her blog to have a fresh look in time for the birth of her son. We talked a lot about her style and the look she was going for, and ended up coming up with a really fun styleboard full of earthy colors, textures, and some really neat fonts. I loved working on the design with Alexandria, and I’m really happy with how it came out! Be sure to visit her blog and leave her…

Being Creative

Posted on: August 16th, 2012 by Hannah Beasley No Comments

It takes courage to step outside your comfort zone and do something different. When you’ve settled into a certain way of life, into a certain pattern, the idea of doing something unique can be a little scary. There’s always that urge to keep doing what feels comfortable, to never venture outside of your box. After all, what will others say about your ideas or your creations? But where is the life in never being different, in never being creative? It is our uniqueness that makes us who we are, it is our creativity that sets us apart from every other…

Embellish Paper

Posted on: August 14th, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 5 Comments

I just finished up this project with the lovely Katie from Embellish Paper! She is a very talented calligrapher and soon-to-be-mommy who wanted to really get her business going. She told me that she loves all things chic and vintage with a modern flair, and that her favorite colors are peach and teal. I really love what we came up with – I think we succeeded in really showcasing her beautiful art while letting who she is shine through. Check it out at ww.embellishpaper.com, and be sure to give her a like on Facebook!


Posted on: August 10th, 2012 by Hannah Beasley No Comments

I’m so excited about my latest project – we’re working with lots of earthy colors and textures. This is the style board I created for her…definitely super fun to put together! I love it when my clients’ styles are like my own, because it’s just that much more fun to work on. I can’t wait until I can share the finished product!

Inspiration to Brighten Your Day

Posted on: August 7th, 2012 by Hannah Beasley 3 Comments

Sometimes we need a little inspiration to get us going again – so here’s a small dose of what’s been inspiring me lately. I’m loving all the stunning typography + golden light + deep black & whites + watercolors that I’ve been seeing all over Pinterest. Photos with that black and white editing that adds such depth are my especial favorite – there’s something about the peacefulness of the look that I just love. What’s been inspiring you lately? {all images via pinterest. check out my pinterest account for more yummy goodness! clockwise, starting top left: 1//2//3//4//5//6//7//8//9}